Vice-minister Sugita says ‘life-threatening’ female discrimination nonexistent in Japan

Vice-minister Sugita says ‘life-threatening’ female discrimination nonexistent in Japan

  1. >[…] she criticized moves seeking more day care centers and use of separate surnames for married couples, describing them as “driven by the Comintern (an international organization of communist parties) to destroy Japanese families.”

    The Comintern has been dissolved in 1943. The JCP is also very anti-China, and to my knowledge has no time traveling technology to be in contact with the Bolsheviks. Which “Comintern” is she talking about?

    LDP is like “Work all day long!” and “No day care centers for you!”, and then asks “Why aren’t you having any children?”.

  2. >TOKYO — Mio Sugita, parliamentary vice-minister for internal affairs and communications, said on Nov. 30 that there was no life-threatening discrimination against women in Japan, while elaborating on her controversial 2014 remark that flatly denied the existence of discrimination against women in Japanese society.

    >”I meant that there is no terrible discrimination against women that could threaten their lives,” Sugita told a House of Councillors budget committee session on Nov. 30, in response to a question posed by Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) lawmaker Ayaka Shiomura.

    >Sugita, a House of Representatives member of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, had told a Committee on Cabinet meeting in the Diet in 2014, “There is no discrimination against women in Japan.”

  3. Well if thats what they think fine. If thats what this society thinks…fine. choose an option, live with the ups and downs

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