Best way to relearn content

After taking a break from a textbook like genki or nakama for a while, what would be the best way to quickly make sure you remember the content and continue with the book without having to reread literally everything and redo all the activities in the workbook I’ve already filled out.

  1. skim table of contents

    test the waters by reading workbook questions and see what seems very easy or very hard

    write down your how good/bad you are at each item 1-10 (1 is super weak, 10 is super easy)

    then do those weakest areas until satisfied

  2. With my students, I actually upload videos of myself explaining each grammar form in a very short succinct way, and I let my students keep those videos forever so that whenever they’re struggling with something like “shit, I forget how to conjugate hypothetical “if” “ they can just take 5 minutes to rewatch the explanation and BAM. Done

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