Foreigner-friendly Japanese tech companies

Hi guys,

I work as a strategy consultant in data/ AI in Europe (\~3yoe) and planning a move back to Japan soon (<6m.). I am looking for a role at the intersection of business and tech, but ideally in an environment that is English speaking and stimulating.

I came across a few companies that would be a good fit (Woven, AP Communications, potentially some departments at Rakuten), and would love to know more about similar companies in that space that would be hiring from overseas.

Thanks a lot for your input!

PS: I’ve lived in Japan for 3y in the past and have JLPT N2

  1. GaijinPot occasionally lists these positions. For anything else just like anywhere, connections matter

  2. If you have JPN N2 then reach out to a recruiting agency. You should have no issue getting a job with that and 3 years of experience.

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