Anyone has experience working with Berlitz?

They seem like a nice institution but I was offered online japanese courses for well over 2k Euros for A1 level (30 hours).. I just want to make sure I won’t waste so much money..

  1. The Berlitz method works best for people who understand it and really adopt it. If you don’t, that will be a waste of money

  2. To Learn Japanese from English it takes about 2500 hours of study to get to basic conversational. Most language schools are a six hour a day, five day a week program and it takes most people two years to reach N2. N2 is low high school level. Costs are usually about 8.5k euro a year.

    2k euro for 30 hours is a rip off. Coto does custom private in person lessons for 1.6k euro for 48 lessons and the same price for 64 online lessons.

  3. As someone who has worked for Berlitz for a few years, my experience has been very positive.

    Many teachers actually care and try to do a good job (but obviously it doesn’t apply to everyone).

    Taking online lessons is a good way to get a way better deal for a very similar learning experience. Not sure if it can be done for Online, but you can always request a particular teacher that you feel is doing a good job.

    Most of the Japanese teachers I’ve met are nice and professional as well.

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