Need help about a really difficult explanation of a science fiction term (霊子反応 / Spiritual Particles Reaction ??)


**I’m reading a visual novel with science fiction theme, and there is 1 part I don’t understand what the F was the writer trying to conveys here, so much thanks if anyone can even decipher what he wrote here (or correct me If I was wrong)**

霊子反応 ( Spiritual Particles Reaction)

精神、もしくは霊的な素粒子。 (Spirit Particles or Spiritual Elementary Particles)

一定したペクトルのエネルギーをもっており、生物の精神的な要素によって反応する特性を持つ。 It has stable/fixed energy’s vector (?), and characteristic of reacting according to the spiritual element of the living organism.(??)

精神感応触媒などを介す事によって、任意に霊子を操作し、物理現象などに対し作用して不可思議な事象を起こすことが出来る。 Through a telepathic catalyst or the like (?), it is possible to arbitrarily manipulate Spiritual Particles and and cause mysterious phenomena by acting on physical phenomena.(???)

1 comment
  1. Don’t expect this to make that much sense, its basically midichlorians.

    There is some type of energy particle called 霊子
    These can interact with living things in various, handwavy ways the author will make up for plot reasons later.

    Someone with a 精神感応触媒 which is some made up thing/technology can manipulate this energy to do weird things (probably psychic power / xmen type stuff)

    Just watch for those terms later in the story.

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