Learn Osaka-ben and slang with my channel

My Japanese friends and I recently revived an old youtube channel, with English subtitles!

The channel is generally about catching (and returning!) living things in Japan such as insects and fish, but in true Osaka style it’s just an excuse to make jokes and have good times.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCYXQCrGLYY – わくわく探検隊

Since we’re friends, most of the conversation is in casual form, with some “polite casual” and some regular です/ます.

Polite casual may be something learner are unfamiliar with. It’s easy to make just by adding っす or んっす on the end of casual sentences, and is used to speak to friends who may be higher status than you at work and so on.

Example from the video: 今回はホンマっす!
ホンマ is Osaka-ben for 本当 so the meaning is “This time is for real”

More video examples:

別に女にかまけたりしてへんから –
してへん would be していない in regular Japanese

それしかないやないか – ないやない changes to ないじゃない

なんやねん – this is Osaka expression like なんだよ

Interestingly, よ can become で or ねん depending on the phrase.

ええ迷惑やな – becomes いい迷惑だね in regular Japanese

If you are interested I can explain more about the slang used, but I’m not sure if these videos are useful to people who are still learning Japanese.

Please let me know your opinions! フカヒレ

1 comment
  1. Thank you! I will check out later
    I’ve been increasing more interested in Kansai, it sounds so interesting!
    Could I ask what is the general conception of a Kansai person in Japan? Like are they considered more funny and open?

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