How do you reheat frozen curry?

I’m a student and I signed up for the meal plan at university cafeteria so I only have to cook lunch for weekdays and all three meals for weekends. But since I don’t get much time to cook, I like to make big batches of curry (using roux cubes) on weekends, freeze them in a couple of small containers and then reheat one container daily for lunch the following week.


Problem is, if I put vegetables in it while cooking, it gets mushy when reheated. Same goes for the meat, it doesn’t get that mushy but definitely doesn’t taste much good when reheated.


So what’s the trick to not get mushy meat and veggies? Or this is simply the way it is?

  1. Microwave. Probably about 4 minutes at 500W, depending on how many kilograms of curry. Higher wattages will require less time.

  2. I usually let it defrost overnight in the fridge (at least 10hrs) then microwave it for 3-4min at 500 watts

  3. undercook the veggies when you’re making it. You can put them in significantly later than everything else

  4. If you’re going to eat it within a week, why do you freeze it? Just keep it in the fridge.

  5. Don’t freeze anything you’ll eat within 4 days. Just put ~4 days worth in the fridge. Undercooking the vegetables a bit the first time you cook it also helps. To reheat you pretty much only have the option of the microwave or putting it back into a saucepan and heating it up. Not sure if there would be a difference either way.

    Anyway reheated meals will never be exactly as fresh as freshly cooked meals. It’s always going to be slightly different at best

  6. Don’t freeze it. The ice that forms inside will water down the flavor and mess up the texture.

    If you must freeze it, take it out of the freezer and let it thaw for a few hours, then dump it out into a bowl. If you nuke it in the Tupperware, you’re going to cake it on.

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