Off work with covid, company is taking my daikyuu

Hey, so as it says, I’ve been forced to take a week off for covid (understandably), and my company has used my daikyuu, which I gained as compensation for working on my day off 3 times, to cover part of this time. The rest is “special leave.”

I’m pretty peeved that this isn’t all special leave. Shouldn’t it be? The fact they have used my daikyuu means I now worked on my day off for nothing, which seems very unfair, especially when it’s almost certain (but can’t be proved) that I caught covid while at, or traveling to work, possibly on my day off.

Seems all round unfair to me. Or am I just acting spoiled and should suck it up? Any thoughts? Do I have cause for complaint or no?

Thanks guys!

1 comment
  1. You don’t have cause for complaint. Daikyuu isn’t a legally protected thing in Japan. It’s just something nice that the company is extending for you, in response to you working overtime.

    By that logic, they can also take it away if they like. Considering you likely have a みなし残業 clause in your contract, you likely don’t even cross the threshold to receive overtime pay.

    That being said, “special leave” is also not a legally protected thing. If they are paying you even though you are on “leave” without using your legally protected PTO days, then you dont have much to complain about. They could legally refuse to pay you for those days if they wanted.

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