Playing sports in college as a transfer student

Hello! I’m from the US and over the past few years have grown my interest in Japan, the people, and the culture. So basically I’m looking to spend a year or maybe 2 in Japan studying various subjects, and I love playing basketball and might even try volleyball (but casually). So my question is this. Are students for the most part ok with transfer students playing sports? I’m wanting to do this to play sports I like and share the same competitive spirit with other athletes. Like is it a normal thing for transfer students to play sports in Japan and a good way to connect with people?

Thank you!

  1. The school I studied abroad at many many moons ago had a rule in their “conference” ,for lack of word, that did not allow foreign exchange students to participate.

  2. During my year abroad I played rugby for the year for the university, wasn’t hard to get in and had loads of fun with with the league against other universities. A lot of drinking parties as well.

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