Hope you guys win, sending you lots of love from Argentina.


  1. that ITV commentator on the British channel still can’t believe Germany didn’t advance and Japan didn’t get knocked out.

  2. Did Spain lose on purpose?
    Edited: If they won they would have been up potentially up against Brazil in QF, but now if beat Morocco then maybe Portugal.
    Not to take away from Japan’s performance, but Spain had no reason to try to win and are better off having lost this match.

  3. Congratulations guys, well deserved results. Here is hoping you continue with the same momentum.

  4. That game didn’t feel like out of luck and it was and still is very dreamy game to watch. I didn’t believe how it felt like we’re fairing the game on screen the whole latter half.

    It’s crazy our ball possession was less than 20% both in Spain and Germany games.

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