Ex-student awarded damages over high school rule that banned dating

Ex-student awarded damages over high school rule that banned dating


  1. > The Tokyo District Court ruled the admonishment by Horikoshi high school was unlawful, saying it was beyond educational discretion and it effectively forced the woman to drop out of school. However, it also ruled the regulation itself was valid.

    The Old Boys really need to get to grips with this thing about young people not fucking anymore.

    I don’t know whether this is the left hand, or the right hand, but whichever hand it is, it seems to be uncommunicative with the other hands.

    Besides, what kind of school is run like an idol company?

  2. I’ll be honest, when I saw this article in Japanese, I saw the word they used to mean dating (four kanji, roughly “male-female interactions”), and my gay mind immediately went “*Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.*”.

    Seriously, though, good on this student for standing and fighting for her rights all the way through a legal battle. Japan needs more people like her. Fuck ブラック校則.

  3. How can the court find that the dismissal was wrong, but find the policy still valid. What the fuck is wrong with this country?

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