Japan looks so good on tiktok it’s look like heaven but what’s the catch?

Japan looks so good on tiktok it’s look like heaven but what’s the catch?


  1. japan is difficult even for the japanese, if youre not born rich. theres indeed catches. read a little about work life balance, wages and cost. also about how foreigners are received, if you ever consider going there. not all is gold that shines.

  2. Frequent encounters with mind boggling ass backwards bureaucracy, frequent time slips to the 1980s at the most inconvenient times, expensive cheese.

  3. No catch, unless you’re Japanese. Then you probably also have to work for a Japanese company, and that often sucks.

    But as a tourist, or in my situation as a foreigner living here also working for a foreign company, it’s amazing.

  4. Honestly, from what I hear Japan is on the decline.

    While I have enjoyed living here for a while, it sounds like it is a few more bad decisions away from exploding.

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