Cancelling my COE and reapply for another school

I was accepted to exchange programs for two schools but the COE application for the school I am withdrawing from was already received by Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau and is being reviewed at the moment.

My home university advisor asked them to cancel my COE application and they said they will be returning my COE when they receive it. But the school I will be going to has already sent out my COE application too, is it all I can do to just wait for my second choice school to receive and return my COE?

1 comment
  1. There’s pretty much nothing you can do about it at this point.

    It’s also almost certain that your second CoE application will be rejected. You’re not allowed to have multiple CoEs/applications. Immigration *will not* hold your second application until the first one is cleared. They will just reject it.

    Situations like this are exactly why you should not apply for a CoE until you are ***absolutely certain*** you will be attending a particular school.

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