Anyone else think the JLPT is too long? (Time-wise)

Whenever I take practice tests I get incredibly bored waiting for the section to end. Would that be the same for the real test? Do other people feel the same way? Are we supposed to look over our answers? I don’t think I read super fast (about 2-3 minutes to an average book page, 4 if I can’t read the kanji well) so you’d think most people would also spend a good amount of time just sitting there. In general I think most standardized tests involve a lot of sitting around doing nothing, though.

But also I just kind of worry I’ll start to need to pee while sitting there since the test is so long (do you get a bathroom break?). Or my chronic illness will flare and I’ll be stuck there for longer with nothing to do but wait and endure. Although maybe 2.5 hours isn’t as long as I think it is? It does seem very long

  1. I think part of the test is just endurance.

    “How long can you deal with Japanese” is actually some kind of measure of proficiency.

  2. I’m also kind of worried about this, because all my mock tests have had me with nearly an hour left on the reading/vocab/grammar part and it felt like listening was dragging on and on. I’m scoring fine but the thought of just sitting there and having my body start to do My Body things while waiting makes me nervous.

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