Suspected abuse reported for a Shizuoka private daycare – three teachers held toddlers upside down, threatened them with knives and verbally insulted them

Suspected abuse reported for a Shizuoka private daycare – three teachers held toddlers upside down, threatened them with knives and verbally insulted them

1 comment
  1. The English translated sites didn’t cover all the details adequately.

    Here’s DeepL text:

    > Parents of children at a daycare center in Susono City, Shizuoka Prefecture, expressed outrage and demanded improvements after three nursery school workers allegedly abused their one-year-old children by holding their feet and hanging them in midair.
    The city instructed the nursery school to provide individual explanations and apologies to the affected children and their parents.
    At Sakura Nursery School, a licensed nursery school in Susono City, it was revealed on November 30 that three female nursery school teachers in charge of one-year-old children committed 15 malicious acts between June and August of this year, including hanging children by their legs in midair and threatening them by showing them a box cutter knife. The city has indicated its intention to file criminal charges.

    > On December 1, parents at the preschool expressed their outrage and demanded improvements.

    > A father whose daughter attends the 1-year-old class said, “I thought she was a good teacher all this time, so I was really shocked when I didn’t hear what she said. I am so upset that I can’t sleep at night thinking that my child might have been attacked.

    > On December 1, seven of the 23 one-year-olds at the daycare center were absent.

    > According to the city, the city instructed the day-care center in August to identify which of the 15 malicious acts were committed against which children, but still does not know some of the details.

    > Therefore, the city instructed the day-care centers to conduct another investigation, and to provide individual explanations and apologies to the affected children and their parents.

    > All three nursery school teachers resigned by November 30, and the nursery school will hold a press conference soon to explain how it will respond to the situation.
    Parents “shocked” and “heartbroken.”

    > A mother who said that one of the three nursery workers used to be in charge of her child said, “Frankly speaking, I am shocked. It is really abuse. The teacher was cheerful and didn’t seem like she would do such a thing. I hope the preschool will show sincerity in what they can do to regain our trust.

    > A father who has two children attending the school said, “I think it was a lack of supervision by the upper management. I chose this preschool because I liked the many events, but it may have been too much work for the childcare staff,” he said.

    > The father, whose daughter attends the 1-year-old class and whose 4-year-old daughter was also in the care of the suspected abuser, said, “It is hard to believe that the suspected abuser did not act out of the blue this year, and it is painful to think that he may have been abusing his daughter for a long time.

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