Mobal Data SIM and General WIFI Experiences?

Hi! I’m moving to the Tokyo prefecture for a year in January, and I will need a short term and long term option for both data and wifi.

My current plan is start with a Mobal Data SIM and switch to Sakura once I’m there after a month if I don’t like it. I have to have the SIM shipped to me in the US because I won’t have time to get it at the airport due to how my training works, which is why I am considering Mobal to start. I figure I’ll get the 30GB plan to be safe? What are peoples experiences with Mobal data? From what I’ve read, reviews are mixed.

On another note, wifi seems wild. Should I get pocket WIFI in addition to my data SIM for the first month there while I wait for internet services to be set up/ installed in my apartment? Also, what are peoples experiences with internet? Has anyone used Assist Solutions (NTT Fiber) or Sakura Fiber? It all seems very expensive, but I don’t see many cheap options. I plan to stream Netflix and play games on the weekends, so I want something decent.

Thanks in advance!

1 comment
  1. Sakura is, by experience, awful. Go Mobal at first, then switch to Amaho eSIM if possible.

    For wifi, by experience, LightPocket is your best choice for speed data ,allowance and price. Customer service is also light years ahead of Sakura.

    BTW Sakura also has a double meaning, the second being a “sucker,” or “an easily fooled target” etc.

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