How to make Morinaga Icebox?

I moved back to the U.S. and have been CRAVING Icebox. How do I make something similar with the same texture ice???? Best diet snack- 15 kcal and it would last me an hour!

  1. Isn’t it just grapefruit flavor iced cubes?

    I would think grapefruit syrup, water and ice cube tray.

    Mix water and syrup to your preference, pour into ice tray

    Freeze and eat

    For texture , you might have to play around with water temperature

  2. If I understand correctly, this is frozen grapefruit juice. So that part seems easy. For the texture, you would want to add some vegetable glycerin to the juice. That seems to be the secret to fruit bars and cubes that are not frozen solid and hard. I think you only need a teaspoon or so of the glycerin per cup of juice or fruit pulp, but you might have to experiment and adjust the amount of the glycerin.

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