How should I plan to study after Heisig if I already have some background in Japanese and I have good access to immersion?


So as the title suggests, I am at about frame 1200 out of 2200 in the Heisig Anki deck, and I’m thinking about how I should proceed after I get through it all.


However, I’m in a unique situation with my background in Japanese, which is why I’m making a post.


A lot of post-Heisig guide articles assume that Heisig is the first thing you do when studying Japanese. However, for me, I had studied Japanese up to the advanced university level prior. Albeit, I was always behind the other students (there were a lot of Chinese and Koreans with familiarity with East Asian languages), my last year of it was during COVID, and I didn’t study it for a year after.


I should also mention that I have access to a lot of Japanese immersion, as the company I work for is the American headquarters for a Japanese corporation, and so most of my coworkers are Japanese expats.


Given my situation, do any of you happen to have advice for where I should go after I finish Heisig?

1 comment
  1. The remaining 1,200 have some easy and some more painful keywords-stories. I leveraged stories from koohii to accelerate the process.

    At that stage, I focused on vocabulary. A lot of people here encourage reading and I think that is great advice.

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