Working holiday visa and address registration

Hello everyone! I’m on a working holiday visa since October 17th. I spent my 43 first days in a small hotel in Kyoto until November 30th. I tried to register my address there but they wouldn’t let me do it because they can’t register hotels.

I told them after I was thinking about going to Tokyo and rent something there, they told me I should register in Tokyo when I’ll be there.

But I changed my plan and now I’m spending 15 days in Osaka until December 15th. But here’s the thing, I plan to move out of Japan for 2 months for personal reasons on December 15th so I’ll need a re-entry permit, I will go at immigration services in Osaka on Monday but I’m really worried they will be mad at me because I still doesn’t have a registered address… But I mean it’s a working *holiday* visa so I should be able to travel around in hotels without having to register addresses everytime right ? I mean isn’t registering addresses only for long term rentals ?

Has anyone been in the same situation?

Thanks for your answers 🙂

1 comment
  1. WHV is a bit of a wild card visa because you’re technically defined as a “mid to long term resident” so you need to register an address within 14 days, like all other mid to long term residents.

    But the literal nature of the visa is to Holiday/explore and move around Japan.

    So essentially it has to follow the basic resident register law by default, but to correctly be engaging in your status of residency (working holiday visa)…. You can’t correctly follow the basic resident register law.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer. I would say speak to Immigration, but it seems this person ( already has….

    “*I sent an email inquiry to Immigration to clarify what I should do if I didn’t actually have a permanent address (because I couldn’t find an answer on their FAQ). They responded as follows:+

    *As you know, registering a specific address within 90 days in a municipal office is a requisite without fail as for Immigration Bureau of Japan. An address such as hotel, apartment, or friend’s house would be fine. Moving several times around Japan is not prohibited. For more information, please consult with the nearest municipal office where you are staying at present.*”

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