Probably overthinking but im very confused on how to actually learn Vocabulary.

So i will just get straight to the point, i dont know how im supposed to learn new words with kanji in them. Im probably just scared to make a mistake but i still want to ask.
I realize that there are probably many diffrent approaches to this but i just need a general direction if thats all you people can tell me. So of im learning a new word with kanji in it how am i supposed to learn to write that? At the beginning i thought you learn the kanji before you learn words containing them but i was told that your not supposed to ‘just’ learn kanji but to leaen them with Vocabulary. I guess my question is what kind of meaning should i attach to the writing to remember the kanji? The word as a whole or maybe connect the writing to one of the readings or meanings? Im confused because you have to remeber stroke order and such but i need something so i can recall that informarion under something

Im terribly sorry if this is repetive ore to beginner level but i couldnt really find a post that answered my question, especially with the really good reddit search.

Im really struggling because i want to continue to learn bjt im stuck and scared of making mistakes.

Thank you for taking the time.

  1. there are a few ways people do it

    Anyway it’s not too hard so don’t worry.

    **Way 1: Textbook**

    Textbooks have lists of words for you to learn. Try and memorize the lists or put them in anki.

    **Way 2. Pre-built Anki Decks**

    You can download Anki decks with vocab in them. Like TangoN5 Omega is one such deck which is popular. I don’t use this though, but I admit it seems like an attractive option!

    **Way 3. Find words in Media**

    Are you reading books or manga in Japanese? Are you watching things with subtitles? Playing games in Japanese? You will find a lot of words. You enter those into anki (or however you learn words, add them to your word list).

    At first, you don’t know how to read a book in Japanese, so you can’t use this yet. You can stick to texbooks then or pre-built decks.

  2. First of all, dont worry too much about making mistakes. There is nothing you can do that will prevent you ever learning kanji, and its not uncommon to have to try out a couple methods to figure out what is best for you.

    I generally find it easier to combine kanji and vocab study. A lot of basic kanji have words that just contain that kanji or words that can be made with easy kanji you already know.

    For some it might be just learning the kanji as the word. 犬, いぬ、dog.

    For some its just adding some kana. 好き、すき、like.

    For some you’ll want to find words that have kanji in you already know.

    So say you know 一 as いち, then when you learn the kanji 番 you learn it with the word 一番 (いちばん). Then when you come to 組 you can learn the word 番組, etc.

    The other one is to know there are patterns that can help.

    水、氷、泳 – all related to water.
    See the three dots on the left of the third? Also in other kanji related to fluids like 液、酒, 流

    同、胴、銅 – matching right hand side, all have reading どう.

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