Chubu turned off my gas Friday night, paid and wont turn back on until Monday.

This company sucks. This is more of a complaint thread because no matter how much we call they wont help us. We have paid every month and all of the sudden they shut the gas off. When we came home from work it was already after hours Friday and we couldn’t call them. Called this morning and they said we haven’t paid September and October of last year 2021? How can they just warn us of this now? We remember paying every month at the konbini so we asked for proof but they just told us whatever, if we don’t pay it they won’t turn it on. So we just paid it and call them back and they said because it’s Saturday they cant turn it on until Monday. Now we have to deal with freezing water and no showers for a whole weekend. Bullshit company.

  1. Look at it from the bright side: taking cold showers is said to have health benefits. Also, it’s cheaper.

    This might also be a good opportunity to explore your local sento and chat with some ojisan.

  2. Definitely look at changing providers. Every one I’ve ever had turned it back on literally within minutes of me calling and them saying “sorry for late payment but I just went to conbini and paid it” and them confirming that on their side.

  3. Any tips for someone that most definitely didn’t receive their September gas bill from Tokyo gas, and most of November’s utility bills? Starting to think a neighbor is stealing my utility bills…

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