What’s happened to Amazon JP?

I’ve had an account with Amazon JP since 2002, use them a lot over the years.

This week however my prime orders are saying 5-7 days for delivery.

Last week prime was NDD?

What’s going on?

  1. I just noticed too as I was filling up a cart, delivery like dec 10th. No idea, maybe a momentary glitch? I’m not really in a hurry for any of the stuff I’m ordering today tho.

  2. I think they’re having distribution problems. I’ve noticed they’re using more “Amazon” drivers in my areas rather than the major delivery companies, and I’ve also noticed far, far more delivery issues in the last ~2 months. Many more scheduled deliveries missed, and I had a delivery that was scheduled yesterday that ended up not even shipping until this morning.

  3. They probably got swamped because of Black Friday. It was like this for Prime Day too.

    A little tip that may or may not work. Wait a day or two and go into your orders, hit “change shipping speed”. Sometimes it’ll let you change it to bring it forward a bit.

  4. I’ve been using Amazon JP since 1994 and I have NEVER seen it take this long.

    3-4 days? Sure. 5-6 days? Fine. 5-7? This is becoming a make it or break it deal.

  5. Black Friday!
    I thought I was not going to buy anything but ended up buying a ton of stuff! Couldn’t resist the deals!

  6. Black Friday + Driver Strikes in certain areas due to work conditions during Black Friday (Week).

  7. AFAIK Amazon sale season with express delivery caused hardships to delivery drivers. Over the years several complaints and negotiations resulted in changes.

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