How can i use yomichan more effectively?

Hello, I’ve begun using yomichan today and I have a problem with effiency, it being that i need to

1. remember the meaning of the kanji
2. remember the pronounciation of the kanji
3. remember the meaning of the word it is in
And i need to do all of those in just one card, which surely makes it very confusing, is there a way to part a cart into multiple cards corresponding to what is listed above? It’s very overwhelming compared to wanikani vocab deck that I’m using right now

  1. You can do both reading and meaning of a word at the same time. You will probably forget the word and reading by the time you move on to the next sentence, but thats what anki is for. fail a word a couple times until you get it right.

    If you insist on doing reading and meaning of a word separately, you have to change the settings in anki to have two cards per note and design the layout yourself.

    Or if you mean, when you see something like 奉幣使, you’re trying to remember the meaning and seperate readings of奉+幣+使, don’t do that, you’ll pick them up naturally when you see more words with them.

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