3 weeks in Japan – Omaezaki (Shizuoka) as base – transport options

Hello everyone,

in a few weeks I am coming to Japan and will be staying in Omaezaki (Shizuoka). In the 3 weeks that I will be there I plan to visit Kyoto, Nagoja and I will travel to Tokyo a few times. I also plan to travel around Omaezaki on public transport.

I am wondering what is the best and cheapest way of doing this? Is there some weekly or monthly ticket that covers all my needs?

For transport, I found out, there is a JR weekly, bi-weekly and tri-weekly pass, but they don´t cover all inner city transport, for example public transport in Omaezaki is not covered.

Also what is the best option for the IC Card for me?

I did some research and found out SUICA card is the most used option, but there are many more and difficult to chose one. Or maybe I don´t even need one?

Thank you

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