Good luck for the JLPT tomorrow!

No matter which level you’re going to take tomorrow, I wish everyone good luck und success with the JLPT!
Where are you taking your test and how confident are you all in passing?

  1. Good luck! Its my first time taking it, I’m taking N2 and I’m super nervous! Ive passed a bunch a of practice tests so I think I can pull it off. I was going to take N3 but they were sold out so I’ll be hyped if I can pass N2!!

  2. Good luck to everyone! I’m taking the N5 tomorrow, and doing a last bit of review today. I got an 84% on my last practice test, so I’m pretty confident but still a bit nervous just for the whole experience.

  3. I am taking N5 tomorrow, i think my level is N3 or N4 but it’s my first time and I won’t risk it.

    Also i have a question, does the grade will written on the Certificate? Or they will just tell that i pass?

  4. 頑張って!

    I’m taking the N4 here, and I’m still unsure about some vocabulary and grammar that I didn’t encounter frequently. I hope for the best!

  5. My listening skills are shit, so I’ll probably fail the N4 but I’ll still going to try because I paid already 😂

  6. Good luck!! Taking the N5 and feeling ridiculously nervous. Haven’t done an exam in over a decade, and felt as if I was somehow losing knowledge the more I tried to learn these last few weeks. Didn’t do too bad on a couple of mocks, though struggled to motivate myself recently. But that’s on me – it’ll be a learning experience regardless. Hoping the best, but prepped for the worst.

  7. Taking the N3 tomorrow! I’ve done a lot of practice tests, but still no idea what to expect as far as my own score. Wishing everybody luck!

  8. I’m taking N4 in Kawagoe, Saitama and I’m gonna fail 😆😆 but I’m still going to the test because I already paid for the thing, and it will be good to see what it’s like for my next attempt when I will hopefully be more prepared. Ha

  9. Taking the N4 tomorrow at CarletonU. Probably the most nervous I’ve been for an exam in a while. I think I’m well prepared, but knowing that I *should* be able to pass it makes the potential of failing feel even worse.

    Anyways, good luck to everyone else also taking it. みんな、がんばれ!

  10. N4, and a little shaky. Practice tests have been hovering just barely above the passing mark so I’d give it 50/50. 頑張ります!

  11. Taking the N3 today in Osaka, not really looking forward to it as the test takes a very long time and is quite far from my house. Anybody else going to Umeda Sky Tree Osaka for the test?

  12. I’m taking the N3 in Monterey, CA.

    I’m very confident about the vocabulary section. I’ve been studying for a little over 2 years, and I binged the Tango N3 deck (2000 words) from July to October (I already knew about half the words). I took an N3 practice test in late October, and I finished the vocab section in 18 minutes (out of 30) and got about 90% right. Even if the real test is harder, I can’t imagine it’s so much harder that I fail the vocab section.

    I’m less confident about the grammar and reading section. I haven’t done much formal grammar study. I watched Cure Dolly’s main playlist over a year ago. I watched Tokini Andy’s grammar stream video series on Genki 1 and 2 about a year ago (I own and have read both books too). Over the past few months, I’ve watched the first 12 videos of his Quartet video series, covering the first book (supposedly N3-ish level). Outside of that though, I haven’t formally studied grammar. I look up grammar that I come across, but that’s about it. In the practice test I took, I used the entire 70 minutes for the grammar and reading section. And while I got more than half the questions right, it was close. Also, the reading section wasn’t *too* hard, *but* my reading and interpreting speed clearly wasn’t fast enough.

    As for the listening section, I’m honestly worried I’m going to fail. The questions on the practice test weren’t terribly hard, and if I had had the ability to rewind and repeat a few times, I probably could’ve gotten most of them correct. But when listening to each question only once, no pausing or repeating, I did miserably. I got less than half correct.

    I’ve been focusing most of my study on listening since then, but a month isn’t a lot of time in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully I’ve improved enough to pass.

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