Hi! My apartment’s energy bill has been very high and I think the cause is my water heater. I understand there are ways to time the heater to turn on and off but I’m not sure how and haven’t been able to find a helpful guide on it. It’s always making a dripping sound so I’m guessing it’s always on. I’ll attach some photos in the comments if anyone could help with that.
Also just more generally, what have others found to be the biggest contributer to high bills? I’d like to make sure I’m considering all possibilities.
Here is the panel im working with. There is also a wire at the top of the heater that can be pulled and it looks like it’s there for testing purposes. It’s currently pushed all the way in.
> what have others found to be the biggest contributer to high bills?
Ukraine invasion.
My energy bill rose by around 30% ever since this started.
They also removed the fuel adjustment cap which was just 5.13yen and now it’s around 11.90 or so per KW.
So now on average people are paying 26 + 11.90 per KW = 38ish
Set the heater to ~38°, don’t take baths, and don’t run the shower while you soap up or shave.