Work Experience vs. Grad School

I’ve been considering moving abroad sometime in the next couple years and Japan is one of the countries I’m looking at. I speak the language (and am currently studying more since I understand it takes more than typical vocabulary to work in a STEM field) and have studied abroad there a couple times. I currently have a bachelors degree and an entry level engineering job, but I was considering going back to school for a masters degree. I’m from the US, if that makes a difference. Given I’d like to move in the next couple years, I’m unsure of what would give me a better shot at finding a job in Japan between gaining more work experience or getting a masters degree. I tried looking online but couldn’t find relevant results. Does anyone have any insight or recommendations?

1 comment
  1. For a technical field, both matter. Work experience matters the most, but having that 10+ years of work experience AND a masters+ degree is better.

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