I have JLPT N2 but can’t speak business level Japanese

My current contract expires next year, so I’ve been job hunting since summer. I’ve been applying here and there, but hesitant about applying to teaching jobs that require high level of Japanese (sometimes they specify it as business level Japanese).

I passed N2 two years ago and I can read and understand N2 level Japanese just fine. But I can’t speak N2/business level/keigo Japanese yet. Early this year, I started taking speaking lessons online, and I’ve improved a lot, just not N2 level yet. I have to put it on pause when I started job hunting and because I’m finishing an online program for my teaching license.

Should I still apply to those jobs? Just afraid that I’ll be interviewed in Japanese and I won’t be able to show enough Japanese. :3

  1. I don’t see why not, the worst that can happen is they don’t hire you. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

  2. Pretty sure N2 is going to be enough. Just focus on getting your speaking as close as possible. Worst case, you write out what you want to say, right?

  3. I’m in similar position, have the n2 but have trouble with speaking. But I’m still cautiously applying to roles as long as they are not client-facing.

    But I’m taking a shot and I know I’ll fail many times because my Japanese is not good enough. But it forces me to practice and learn new words so …

  4. Hi!

    Sorry I don’t really have much to add but rather have a question. You said you’re getting your teaching license, how are you doing that?
    The only way I heard you could get the license is by going to college (not including the specialty licenses that require a sponsor, like the 臨時免許) I’m N2 too but can in no way attend college with my current level so gave up on that. aAre you going to college in Japanese or is there a way to do it in English?

  5. I got a tenured position with N2. I think you should go for it. The worst they can say is “no”.

  6. You should pick up a keigo book while also practicing shdowing. Shadow keigo phrases and sentences so that they stick in your brain!

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