Why was 春休み translated as winter break?

Was watching mob psycho and this happened. Im guessing it’s a cultural thing because of how holidays line up. But idrk so I’m asking here

Edit cuz I think some people misunderstood: the character SAID aloud haruyasumi. But it was written as winter break (in english) in the subtitles. This happened a couple of times

  1. Maybe they thought western audiences would understand a winter break more as being a summer break? Considering our winter break is usually only a couple weeks so our summer breaks are closer to Japanese winter breaks than our winter breaks are.

  2. Most likely just a mistake by the translator and proofreader if they used one. Fan translations are usually full of errors although most are much more subtle than this one.

  3. There must be a reason for it because anyone who knows enough Japanese/English to translate a whole series can surely tell the difference between spring and winter.

  4. 春休み is usually at the end of March and 冬休み is near the end of December so it’s gotta be a mistake.

    They’re very distinct from each other as 春休み is associated with cherry blossoms and the start of the new school year. Whereas 冬休み is just a typical winter break.

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