3 British men held over 2015 jewelry store robbery in Tokyo

3 British men held over 2015 jewelry store robbery in Tokyo


  1. Infamous Brits; either they swim naked in the imperial pond or they cross half of the planet to rob a jewelry.

  2. The thieving trio are reluctant to return to Japan because of “human rights concerns”.

  3. While there are issues, they likely have high privilege. Unless Britain decides to hang them out to dry.

  4. I can imagine them singing a cockney ditty while robbing the place.

    ♫We’re just trying to do a little job🎶

    ♪So we’re in Tokyo smash grab rob🎵

    Ooh la la la oi 🎶

    Ooh la la la oi ♬

  5. Considering how shit Japan is at returning kidnapped children, I’d be looking to let them piss up a rope for all the good it will do them in this regard.

  6. wow, i remember this news. Upscale jewellery store in broad daylight and a busy place. You’d think someone would’ve got caught straight away, but nope… I’d have thought the suspects have gone in the wind but here we are. Interesting turn of events

  7. They probably worked at an Eikawa and saw this as a prime opportunity to get some money to live a basic life while in Japan. /s.

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