Petition for Inflation Relief for Language Schools! *Rise Above Inflation 2023*

Hi all!


I’m with General Union, a registered trade union in Japan! We are campaigning to petition private language companies (eikaiwas) to provide all their workers with a relief bonus because inflation as well as stagnant wages are hurting all of us.

At the same time, some Japanese companies are already providing inflation relief measures. There is no reason that language industry companies shouldn’t show the same concern and respect to you.

If you work at an eikaiwa or know any people at an eikaiwa – please sign our petition and show it to your friends and coworkers!

Although this action is being organized by our union, nobody has to be a union member to sign, nobody will be pressured to join up, and your signature and any other details will not be shared with anyone but high level union officers and your company.

Additionally, in principle, petitions will only be submitted to companies on the basis of a high amount of signatures, so no worries about being singled out!

  1. Didnt the goverment already started the 50k per household relief fund campaing? Why should the eikawas have a special consideration when literally everyone is affected by this?

  2. Signed. All companies need to support their employees to fight inflation. Most of us aren’t making enough money to pay all our bills, but are just above the income amount to be eligible for government support.

  3. Your effort would be wiser spent acquiring some sellable skills to secure a real job with a real salary.

  4. Is this useful for those who work for eikaiwa what only have a single location, or very few? Based on what the form looked like when I saw it, it only seems useful if you work for one of the big ones, since it’s highly unlikely that an eikaiwa company with one or two locations will get enough signatures.

  5. Wasn’t there a no politics rule in this sub?

    Or is this considered not politics, but…charity?

  6. Stagnant wages and inflation relief are two separate topics, which is it? Cause the petition only talks about inflation relief and sites a 5 month old article about some companies giving employees 1man a month.

  7. I only see upsides to this and no downsides,

    Yet I still have faith in the community to find things to complain about.

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