Expiration dates accurate? Bought ~3-4weeks ago.

Expiration dates accurate? Bought ~3-4weeks ago.

  1. I bought these two products ~3-4 weeks ago. I had intended to store them in the freezer but found them in the fridge. Anyone familiar know if those expiration dates are accurate?

  2. Were these in the freezer or refrigerator when purchased? Japan exports most things frozen and the individual stores overseas thaws them in the fridge often. Just keep in mind how they were storing them in the store.

  3. I am not an expert but it seems fine to me. I think they do not contain fresh dairy products like cream, so it doesn’t surprise me that they would keep long in the fridge.

  4. With japan’s **extremely high** food safely standards, YES those are quire accurate.


    From what I can see its Month/day/year layout

  5. Are these sell by dates or expiration dates? Some vendors use sell by dates and pull them to ensure the freshest product is available.

  6. Store bought Japanese sweets tend to have plenty of preservatives so you’re probably fine.

  7. I’d say it’s safe just by trusting the label
    As for storage I suggest you use the method they were stored in the shop

  8. I use to work in retail and I can tell you for sure that sometimes product is mislabeled sometimes on purpose or by accident.

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