Coworker nudging me to find a better/new job.

Last month I started working at a konbini and I’ve been being trained by this guy once a week. He’s a ベテラン and has been working at konbinis for over 30 years. I’m a Japanese Canadian so my Japanese is so-so. I might now about 1000 kanji and read slow, but I can communicate without much problems. I’m just gonna start off and say this guy is kind of an asshole. From the start he’s been passively calling me dumb, forgetful, and inept at Japanese. Like..



Yesterday he asked me if I heard of townwork and I said no. He said there’s a lot of jobs there that pay more than here and recommended a moving job because “時給が高くて何も考えなくてもいい。”. He said he used to do the job so he knows.

But imo the job I have right now is pretty good, given the fact that I dont’t really have much skills or training. The minimum wage is 1072¥ but I’m paid 1130. I work graveyard shift so that’s 1413. Plus our boss says we can take longer breaks so even though I’m paid for 33h/wk, I only work about 31. The commute is a 10 minute walk and the work is not mentally or physically stressful. And then we get to eat any expired food which probably saves me around 2000¥/wk.

Honestly, the only way I’d switch jobs is if it paid over 1900, and I’m pretty sure a job like that doesn’t exist with my skillset.

So do you think this guy is legit trying to help me? My current plan is to keep working here while trying to get certified for a remote job in IT.

Thank you for reading.

  1. If you need to wonder if someone is trying to help you or just trying to get rid of you I’m pretty sure you have your answer already.

  2. > has been working at konbinis for over 30 years.

    To spin it positively(!), their ‘advice’ is coming from a ‘unique’ perspective…

  3. The dude clearly wants to eat all that expired food for himself.

    And he doesn’t look like he’s “helping you”, by the way.
    He most likely doesn’t like you for whatever reason and would like you to quit.

    Sounds like a pretty sweet gig as far as conbini jobs go though.

  4. I gotta be honest, you don’t need to worry about his intentions. You’re not going to be able to read his mind and worrying about his motivations is going to get you nowhere. Accept that he’s kind of an asshole just as a personality trait, assume that he wishes you the best, and enjoy your job. Let the comments roll off you, mind your business, kill him with kindness, but coming from a prolific over thinker; don’t waste your energy.

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