Japan Winter ’22 Itinerary + Questions

I am Planning a Trip for winter between December 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023. I am planning on going with two friends starting in Tokyo and ultimately ending up in the Naoshima (Benesse Museum Island). I have already done the 3 major cities (Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto), so we are looking for additional places to fill the gap.

I have viewed the suggested itinerary, but I have a few questions based off itinerary:

* **Dec 30 – Jan 2** **Tokyo** for New Years (Already have been here 3x, so no questions here)
* New Years Shopping
* Restaurants and Bars
* **Jan 2 – Jan 4** (3.5hr train) Head up to **Gunma, Japan**
* Takaragawa Onsen Osenkaku – My friends have tattoos and we really wanted the coed vibe
* **Q1:** Are there any onsens that are coed and tattoo friendly that are on the way south instead? I tried searching, but many that I have found have restrictions unless we want to do private baths.
* **Jan 4 – Jan 7** (4.5hr Train) Visit **Kanazawa**
* take day trip to Shirakawa
* take day trip to Takayama
* **Jan 7 – Jan 9** (3.3hr Train) Visit **Okayama**
* **Q2:** I don’t see Okayama on the suggested, but there seems to be tons of activities in the city like Jeans Street. Is two days a good amount of time for this city? **Edit: we are thinking we might just do Kyoto instead**
* **Q3:** Are there any other locations between Kanazawa and Naoshima? We have already done Kyoto and Osaka.
* **Jan 9 – Jan11** (3hr Train) Stay at **Naoshima**
* Benesse Art Museum Hotel
* Visit the Museums
* Visit the Onsen
* Various Night Activities on Island
* **Q4**: To those who have been, do you think two days is overkill?
* **Jan 11- Jan 12** (4.5 Train) Back to Tokyo to Leave
* Head back and prep to leave Tokyo back to the States.

Thank you and any tips welcome 🙂

1 comment
  1. I haven’t been to Japan, but planning to go next year. I’ve read that everything in Naoshima is closed on Mondays (January 9th is a Monday). Also, if you feel that you need more activities while in Naoshima, you could visit other islands like Teshima (everything is closed on Tuesdays) or Inujima.

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