how to talk about my girlfriend in Japanese when traveling (we are lesbians)?

Hi! My girlfriend and I are planning to go to Japan this coming April. I’m SO EXCITED! She’s never been to Japan before and doesn’t speak any Japanese; I studied abroad in Japan in high school and have been twice since with friends. My Japanese is good (have been learning Japanese since I was 11) albeit a little rusty.

One thing that I’m not sure about is how to refer to my girlfriend when we are in Japan? Is 彼女 okay or will it confuse people? I worry that people will think I’m using the wrong word/confused since I’m a gaijin lol. For example I’m assuming I’ll often be saying something like “I speak Japanese but my girlfriend doesn’t” when we meet new people (common scenario when I have traveled with friends before) and wondering what word is best to refer to her.

  1. ガールフレンド, and if that still gets misunderstood I’d say 恋人.

    Although I feel like in many situations it wouldn’t be necessary to clarify.

  2. Literally just tell them she is a friends of yours. They don’t need to know anymore then that and will probably be grossed out if you elaborate.

  3. Do you *want* people to know that you’re lesbians? Or do you want to keep it hidden? Couldn’t tell from your post.

  4. Maybe do the scissors thing with your fingers?

    Or just use the correct word and don’t worry about it. Not your problem if they don’t understand the exact nature of your relationship.

  5. I’m not sure why the other person was downvoted so much, but I agree with the first part they said. Just tell them that she is your friend.

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