Discrepancy between English and Japanese permanent residency application guides

Here’s the Japanese guide – [https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/zairyu\_eijyu01.html](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/applications/procedures/zairyu_eijyu01.html) Here’s the English guide – [https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/procedures/zairyu\_eijyu01.html](https://www.isa.go.jp/en/applications/procedures/zairyu_eijyu01.html)

I’m applying as a spouse of a Japanese national.

Basically, the Japanese version says my guarantor (my wife) only needs to submit the 身元保証書 (in section 10) as well as some ID. All the other documents are only necessary if I am a dependent of someone. For example in 6 it says “直近(過去3年分)の申請人**及び申請人を扶養する方**の所得及び納税状況を証明する資料”. As I am not a dependent (tax-wise) of anyone my understanding is they only need my tax documents and no-one elses.

On the other hand, section 11 of the English version confuses me, firstly because it seems to relate to section 10 of the Japanese version, and also because it asks for “Documents pertaining to the guarantor” which the Japanese version doesn’t do.

Does anyone have experience with this? Did I misunderstand something?

  1. Procedures changed in June this year, and the English version never got updated. In anything government related, the Japanese version will always supercede a translation, so go with the Japanese

  2. Rule of thumb for living in Japan;


    Always go by the Japanese version, never trust the English version of anything to be up to date or correct.

  3. I agree that the English version is both messed up and includes extra information.

    I’d go contact your local immigration office though. They’ll be the ones you’ll have to deal with in the end, and they will be able to give you the best guidance.

  4. Something to be aware of – **what’s written there is the bare minimum of what you need to apply not everything**. You and your wife will very likely be asked for supplementary documentation both when submitting and during the process.

  5. A lot of things get easier when you use the Japanese version. I remember one bank if I use the English version to change my address it requires me to fill application by mail and attach documents. I switched to Japanese and changed my address online quickly. No issue. No mail.

  6. Submit as much as you can for your spouse and still expect to be asked for more. I submitted the past three years of inhabitant tax, including current year to date (there’s two separate documents), her pension records printed off the pension website, and four months worth of transactions from her bank account. Good to go right? Nope, got a letter asking to send in her 納税証明書(その3).

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