Smokeless barbecue grill for apartment balcony

EDIT AGAIN: Oh my goodness, this got a lot of hate. I just went ahead and called my agent that helped me find the apartment and she said that hot plates and other small table top grills are allowed. She said that Charcoal grills and smokers are not. I have her on WhatsApp and sent her an image of the smokeless grill I wanted to get and she said that was okay! She is also sending me a copy of the Japanese Fire Code but said she is not in the office at the moment and will get it to me when she can! I’ll just go to my housing next time in the future, but thanks for all the input guys!

EDIT: holy shit, I didn’t think asking a question like this would be so personal. I get it, no grilling. I wanted to educate myself on Japanese law. I go through an American Housing Agency and have seen my friends allowed to barbecue (because people in Japan DO barbecue and ARE allowed) so wanted some clarification on what the actual LAW states but wasn’t planning to just start up 10 charcoal grills tonight and party it up! Damn!

Hello all,

I have recently moved into the top floor of an apartment building. Our housing agency told us that we are not allowed to barbecue on the balcony because it is against Japanese Fire code. Normally, we hear that is it just considered rude for the other tenants as locals still hang their clothes up outside which makes sense but I’ve never heard anyone saying it is against the law?

SO, We have looked into purchasing a smokeless grill like this one: [](

I have tried to look up the Japanese fire code to see what it specifically states in terms of grilling on your apartment balcony and whether it makes the distinction between charcoal, smokers, and gas grills versus an electric one like this. I don’t really want to ask my housing agency YET because I fear they will just give me some teeth-sucking answer and not answer my question properly as they have done with other things I have asked.

**My question is can someone send me a link to Japanese fire code where it specifically states that barbecuing on the balcony is a fire hazard and what types of grills aren’t allowed?**

In the lease, it specifically states “Refrain from barbecuing on the balcony (Against Japanese Fire Code)” and that is it. My thinking is how is grilling outside any worse than the gas oven that is in the apartment or the gas dryer or the gas heating system?

Thanks in advance!

  1. ” any worse than the gas oven that is in the apartment or the gas dryer or the gas heating system?”

    Your kitchen is not generally made of balcony plastic and building cladding, with occasional gusts of wind, fortunately.

  2. >Our housing agency told us that we are not allowed to barbecue on the balcony because it is against Japanese Fire code.

    Then don’t fucking do it. It’s not difficult. Many places all around the world don’t allow it due to fire regulations. Additionally if there is a fire you risk having the fire insurance invalidate any claims meaning you’re potentially liable for a whole fucking building that burned down.

    >In the lease, it specifically states “Refrain from barbecuing on the balcony (Against Japanese Fire Code)”

    Let me repeat **don’t fucking do it.** You signed the lease, you agreed to their rules, you risk eviction when you’re caught (and you will be caught).

    >**My question is can someone send me a link to Japanese fire code where it specifically states that barbecuing on the balcony is a fire hazard and what types of grills aren’t allowed?**

    It literally doesn’t matter at this point if it’s against the fire codes or not, you agreed to their rules, either follow them or move to a house where you can BBQ in your yard at will.

  3. I did a quick google on this and the best I could find is that it may or may not be against the fire code depending on the area where you live. However, even if it isn’t against the fire code but it’s against the rules of the building where you’re living you could run afoul of your landlord and put your tenancy in jeopardy. Apparently, also, if a neighbor files a nuisance complaint against you because of noise, smoke or other disruption you could end up having to pay them compensation.

  4. I own [this]( device called “healthy grill”. We use it to grill meat at home like yakiniku. The plate rotates, it doesn’t generate smoke, grills the meat in no time and the fat flows into a container which is easy to clean. Really amazing.

  5. Why … why can’t people just follow the very reasonable rules? OP, is there someone who has kidnapped a loved one and is forcing you to have a barbecue on your balcony?

    Alright, here’s how it would go with your “smokeless grill.”

    You: あああ、花子ちゃん、、、12月のバーベキュー最高だね~

    Hanako: うん、キャット8481と一緒にいるからね😊

    Hanako’s Internal Monologue: (12月のバーベキューおかしくない???お腹が冷えてしまうと下痢になる。初デートで彼のトイレで大するのは女子力ない。可愛いハーフの子が欲しいから頑張るしかないな、、)

    (Ten minutes later)

    Ojisan: な、、、何それ!?!?!バーベキューか????危ない!火事だ!119!

    Fire Truck 1: ウ〜、ウ〜、ウ〜、カンカンカン

    Fire Truck 2: ウ〜、ウ〜、ウ〜、カンカンカン

    Fire Truck 3: ウ〜、ウ〜、ウ〜、カンカンカン

    Fire Trucks 4 – 12: ウ〜、ウ〜、ウ〜、カンカンカン

    Hanako: 用事があるから帰らないと、、、


  6. First, how dare you call any of this barbecue.

    Second, you don’t really care if using an electric hotplate on the balcony is against fire code or not. You are looking for some way to validate breaking your building bylaws and lease conditions. If you’re going to do that, then just do it. No one needs to tell you it’s OK, because you already know what you’re doing.

  7. By the way you reply in the comments here, you basically don’t care about what people tell you. Fire code/law differs from city to city. In our city you have to get a permit from the city hall to burn something.

    Just do what you want and deal with the consequences. F the law. It doesn’t apply to you since you don’t really care. Just follow the law you are used to in a different country even though you are in Japan now.

  8. Tune in next week to r/japanlife when u/Realistic-Cat8481 gets an eviction notice and wonders why!

  9. I don’t think there are any boundaries as to which grills are good and which are not.

    All grills heat up. And if you put an ignitable substance in contact with it, it will catch fire. That’s all there is to it. And even smokeless grills can catch fire if they malfunction. In fact, in Japan, fires are caused by it every year.

    Finally, there are no fire detectors on balconies.

  10. Also just wanted to point out that in Japan your balcony usually isnt part of the room you are renting but technically a shared part of the apartment like the hallways.

    The leasing company has power to tell uou what you can or can not put in your balcony so I assume it will be the same for bbq

  11. I do it all the time in the summer, just stick to lean meats like chicken breast and seafood and you’ll be fine. Anything with a lot of fat will smoke up

    I juse use one of the standard rectangle gas cannister Yakitori grills

  12. Glad you got your answer from the agency. Won’t be the same as a western bbq, but I hope you guys have fun regardless.

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