How do you study vocab books effectively without anki?

I just took N1 and I feel with proper study I could definitely pass next december.

I looked up MLCs study plan and they suggest you first finish a kanji book and then the vocab book from 新完全マスター series.

But without real context( for example from the 読解) i feel like the words are almost impossible to remember, and looking up sentences to make anki cards is not something that I can keep doing consistently.

So whats the next best thing to acquire the vocab needed for the 語彙 portion of the JLPT?

  1. The other fellow’s comment is right but a bit lacking in context.

    There’s a lot of books and the like that you’ll start having access to around N1, and even some older stories rewritten to be more accessible at that level (there’s a series of collections-by-level, though I forget the name).

    Reading in context leaves more of an impression than memorisation than rote, so I personally recommend it. There’s a certain instinct level to vocab that doesn’t come across in an isolated environment.

  2. Did you know that 新完全マスター has sentences in it? At least the N3 one did.

    If your concern is that you will get a list of vocab from these books without any sentences, that’s just not the case.

    Like I said I’m not N1 material, I only have the N3 book, but if it’s similar it should have sentences in it.

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