Calculating actual internet speed in Japan

So I recently found out that cable infrastructure and data transfer are handled by two separate legal entities in Japan and that my family has signed to different contracts, with an operator and provider respectively. Now, the operator gives us the maximum up and downstream throughput of 200 Mb/s, which is decent, but it seems we are throttled (???) by the provider. Since the only answer I got from the provider on this is that we have a one l connection and can upgrade to larger amount of connections of wider bandwidth, with no precise or estimated numbers (and a confusing explanation why they can’t provide any) I thought I’d try my luck here – anyone figured out a formula how actual bandwidth is calculated based on the quantity and quality of ISP’s connections given the operator’s limit?

1 comment
  1. What “operator” is this? Are you with J-Com or some weird regional CATV offering?

    > I thought I’d try my luck here – anyone figured out a formula how actual bandwidth is calculated based on the quantity and quality of ISP’s connections given the operator’s limit?

    The formula, when you are paying less than 100,000円 a month and have no SLA (service level agreement), is called ‘best effort’. That means, they’re offering you a connection, and you will be able to use it for internet, and they will make an “effort” to make the connection stable and available 24/7 but provide no minimum or maximum bandwidth guarantees. That’s what a SLA is for.

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