What do you think are the most important grammar concepts for beginners to learn?

I’m trying to get a grasp on what it’s like to learn the language from scratch again.

Personally, I think one of the most important things for beginners to learn is verb conjugation rules, but I feel like there are other things I’m forgetting about.

Also like the idea that verbs/adjectives/etc. have particles that typically go with them wasn’t taught to me, but I feel like knowing that would have been useful.

Also very appreciated are general things more advanced learners take for granted that were especially hard to learn as a beginner

1 comment
  1. my 2 cents on grammar

    **Important but easy**

    * Conjugation (present, past, polite present, polite past, potential, passive, causative, causative passive)

    * How adjectives work

    * How adverbs work

    * Morphing types (turning adjectives into adverbs, turning verbs into nouns, stuff like that)

    * How quotes work like, といいます, と思います

    **Important but medium difficulty**

    * Basic sentence patterns (Xはです,XにYがあります,many others too many to list)

    **Important but hard**

    * How particles work. Seems easy at first, but there is more to it than that. It’s easy-ish to look at a sentence and see how the nouns relate to the verb, but if you produce grammar it’s easy to mess up various things like, different conjugations change how some particles work, transitive vs intrans, embedded sentences, etc

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