Does anyone else hate bugging people for LoRs?

I’m a bit iffy if I want to complete jet or not. I’m sure I won’t get in but well I filled the rest of the stuff out already. I have 2 LoRs. One professor with a nickname, I stay in contact with and is very nice. The other one wrote a really good accomplishment letter but is now gone. I sadly would have to scrounge back to my community college days 7 years to get another one(I took a long break before going back). One retail job that I worked hard to get out of, I had a manager that used to drug test me monthly but he seems to have turned around begging for me to come back. Since then, he has provided good references as I think it makes him look good to the district manager. I’m just not sure that I want to bug him over Jet though as the chances are pretty slim lol. Anyways yeah not sure, what do you think bug people for the 1% chance of JET or not? 🙂

  1. Well, he probably keeps a template on hand for LoRs, as that’s definitely what I do for my students. If you’re also asking him for LoRs at some frequency, he probably just reuses or tweaks the same old one. So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Personally, I want a nice job, so I will always ask for an LoR from my go to professors and colleagues.

  2. Most of the times I ever needed a reference from a retail/service job, I would just write my own reference and ask my old boss to read/sign it. They usually appreciate it, and sometimes even get a kick out of the ‘go getter’ attitude.

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