I just meet Jay White.

I just meet Jay White.

  1. That was too sweet. *clap clap clap clap clap*

    That was too sweet. *clap clap clap clap clap*

  2. I remember meeting Okada during his fourth reign and asking if I could touch the belt. He was cool with it, but the nearby security guard freaked out a little, thinking I was going to just take it. Kinda interesting how things have changed.

  3. Such a lovely bloke met him in London a million miles away from the character he plays as a wrestler!

  4. It’s insane how young he is but he’s been a top tier performer since shortly after coming back from excursion. I know MJF uses it and it’s a bit cliche – but the dude is a generational talent IMHO.

  5. Met him years ago, was one of the most laid back, cool wrestlers I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

    Glad you had the same vibe

  6. Nice pic. Awesome he let you shoulder the belt. I remember when they were in Madison square garden with ROH a few years back. We went to that show and ended up staying where the wrestlers did. We all got to meet Tanahashi and Naito. My brother got to work out with Sanada in the hotel gym. Apparently he is the pull up master. Also met Red Shoes, Thunder Liger, and Hikeleo in the elevator. They are all mostly really cool guys.

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