(No.005) Netflixで勉強しようぜ “Friends Season1, Episode1”, I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. I made a “今夜の予定は何?” Card as learning material with Writing Practice.


I am learning English, while watching “Friends” on Netflix. I just made a “今夜の予定は何?” Card as learning material. For guys learning Japanese, I will leave Japanese expressions related to the English Lines. I hope it might be useful for your learning.

**Instruction: Learning Japanese & English by Netflix**

Step①: First, I look at J-comments, closed my eyes, try to imagine a scene of drama. This is because I prefer remembering some Expressions with Context/Flow of Story and that way makes me easily remember some phrases.

Step②: I just try to play each role and say line.

For guys learning Japanese, I will leave Japanese translation based on my interpretation. (This is because Japanese Subtitles on Netflix sometimes does not correspond to English Lines)

Step③: Writing Practice

Try to make sentences or Dialogue with 予定 and post them. I will check your sentences.

**Question and Comment**

If you have some questions about topic, ask me on the comment section in English or Japanese. Although I cannot respond to all (Especially, off topic) because I have limited time, I try to comment back. I welcome you to follow my Reddit account.

**Reference**: Friends Season1, Episode1

(Educational post, once a week)

  1. There could be more variations of translation like

  2. ただの「予定」を含む会話じゃなくてすみませんが、「予定」と「つもり」の使い分けを確認してみたいんです。


    A: Cさんも来るそうだけど、私がしばらく既読スルーされてるし連絡取れなくて…
    B: え?ケンカしてんの?
    A: そんなわけないけど、心が離れていって感じで、気付いたら話さないうちにもう1年経っている。
    **B: とにかく、見たら話しかけるつもり?**
    A: もし見かけたら見た見ぬふりをしたほうがいいかな。
    B: ちょっと微妙で困りますね。




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