Best free apps for learning + writing?

Hi! To anyone here who has used free apps to learn japanese, what are some of the best ones or what ones do you recommend? I don’t have my own job yet so I can’t get any paid apps + I can’t buy any books for practicing writing in hirigana and katakana, so I was wondering if theres an app for it cuz I could practice using my iPad.

  1. For learning to read/listen (i.e. input) you can do it all without paying anything (other than normal internet costs).

    For speaking/writing (i.e. output) it’s harder to get all you need for free because you generally need someone to review and correct your output – so a paid tutor is often needed.

    Here’s a bunch of [resources and guidance]( I put together for beginners – covers input (reading/listening).

    Edit: FYI – I just remembered – Anki is free for all platforms except the iPhone/iPad/iPod touch.

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