Partners boss wants her to come in despite her still having COVID?

It’s been a week and She’s still coughing like crazy and feels overall unwell. She is a software engineer and been working from home all this time. She acknowledges that she works for a ブラック企業 and that she works unpaid overtime every day. Her boss said “i think you’re fine, you should come in tomorrow” when she’s clearly not fine. Among other things, her salary is extremely low for this type of work and I just feel like she’s being severely taken advantage of. Is it worth contacting 労働基準局 over? Any advice would be appreciated.

1 comment
  1. After a multi-year pandemic, any normal company should have some policy in place for covid leave, quarantine, and pcr testing.

    The best thing to do is go to a clinic and if the doctor recommends staying home they can give you a medical leave order, but the length of that leave is totally dependent on seeing a doctor – you cannot self diagnose (legally).

    The other work stuff is typical of Japanese companies. Going to the labor board may or may not help you. They don’t really have a lot of power, but if you have some evidence and want to sue a company for unpaid wages, you probably could. You could contact the labor board for a consultation about that.

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