Are attain language school courses any good?

here they are: [](

They cost 14 bucks/month, so they don’t seem \*that\* expensive, but I’m curious did anyone enroled to them and passed (mostly higher n2, n1) levels?

  1. This looks pretty old fashioned and brittle at a glance. I’m also curious if this is worth the trouble

  2. I used these for N5 and N4. I got the full courses for $20 each though on a black Friday sale. Basically each class consists of vocabulary, a conversation to watch and then 8 or 9 grammar points. The grammar part of the lesson is probably the weakest point. You are presented with a new sentence form like Verb [nai form] でください, and then get 3 or 4 example sentences. They don’t give you much background on how to use that sentence structure, just here it is and some examples. I think you will need other sources to study more difficult grammar points that can’t be understood with a quick example.

  3. I did the JLPT N4 Study Course last year and passed the N4. Doing the N3 Study Course right now.

    It’s not the best or anything but it’s pretty good if you’re using other resources at the same time.

    What I liked was that they only speak in Japanese. Each chapter starts with a cheesy skit and then they teach you all the vocab and grammar used in it and then you watch again with no subtitles.

    They give at least 3-4 examples for each grammar point and even give you notes about similar grammar points, letting you know the subtle differences.

    There’s also (on Udemy) a place to ask questions. They’re pretty responsive and give very detailed and helpful answers.

    The downside is that there’s no built in study. It’s only lectures and you have to review the vocab on your own and practice the grammar on your own too. I mean, for $14 it’s at least worth giving a try. (I paid 20$ per course on

  4. For N2 and N1 you need more reading and you can supplement with things like 日本語の森 or Meshclass on Youtube to breakdown applied grammar and usage. There are two books in the Read Real Japanese series focussing on essays and literature with some help through translation notes and notes about writing style etc. This will help a lot more than just subtitles at this level imo as the jump from N3 to N2 and N1 is being able to understand abstract reasoning better and this sort of abstract reasoning can feel painfully opaque in Japanese without understanding the background.

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