Can I be hired in 2 companies at the same time?

Hi all, I have a question regarding my situation. I’m currently a full time employee (正社員) at a company and I recently gave my 2 weeks notice. This is my last week. I have already secured another job that starts in January right after new year holidays again as 正社員.

My main problem is that I have tons of PTO left and I’m planning on using them. However, the PTO is enough to keep me “employed” at my current company until mid January when I would have started to work with the new company.

Is that even possible? Is there any legal implications to that? My company doesn’t want to pay the PTO so they asked me to use it all. They also said it was okay to do this but I don’t really trust them.

Thanks for your insights.

Ps: no, both are not teaching jobs and both are Japanese companies.

  1. I actually did this that this year WHILE I was simultaneously renewing my visa, and I was a bit nervous but nothing seems to have come from it.

  2. Like other posters I dont think anything would come of it either way, but one thing that could be problematic is if your new job requires a different visa status and you end up working a job for which you do not possess the correct visa.

  3. Normally it is stated in your rules and regulations that you cannot be employed full time at another company.

    This may come up later in companies that does thorough background checks like financial companies.

  4. I would suppose it’s mostly an issue of taxes, insurances, pension payments and similar. Getting those sorted out could be quite a mess.

    Also, some companies have rules against having other employers.

  5. My previous employers always asked when my last date for the company was and converted my PTOs to cash so that there’s no overlap with health insurance coverage and tax/social insurance premiums. I think you should ask your new company for their advice.

  6. Your current company doesn’t have to know when you join a new company- only that you’ve left theirs. *wink wink*

  7. Legally, you can.

    Companies don’t like when their employees working multiple jobs but your case is different.

    You won’t really be working for the old company, you will already be 100% dedicated to the new one, thus removing the moral reason why companies don’t want employees to have side jobs.

    Just tell your new company about the situation, sugar coat it with a “I was eager to work for you asap so I decided to start asap rather than wait until I used up my PTO at the old company” and you will be fine. It’s not like they can refuse you to use your PTO at the old company.

  8. Yes, of course you can. Some companies may not like it, but legally you’re definitely allowed to. Plus if you’re leaving the company anyway it really doesn’t matter if they disapprove.

  9. An employer can’t legally prohibit you from working for another company at the same time except to the extent that it interferes with their business. That doesn’t mean some don’t try to restrict it (either by requiring other jobs to be approved or by outright forbidding it), and bear in mind that you’re not legally protected from being arbitrarily fired by your new employer until you’ve worked there for 2 weeks.

    Health insurance and pension can also be an issue as you can’t legally be enrolled in those for two employers at once. So you’ll have to get one company to deal with that which will be a bunch of paperwork for them.

    If you trust your new employer to be reasonable then it really should be fine, and legally you’re 100% in the clear, but in practice it can be a pain. I’d be inclined to ask your old employer to deal with removing you from pension and health insurance early, but the trouble is you haven’t really got any leverage over them if they refuse. They don’t have to (and in many cases legally can’t) pay out PTO; they can’t refuse you taking your PTO when you want (with a few exceptions) but ultimately it’s your responsibility to do that.

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