These Nikumaki Onigiri are wrapped in meat

These Nikumaki Onigiri are wrapped in meat

  1. I know they don’t look like much, but these Nikumaki Onigiri (literally “meat wrapped onigiri”) are wrapped in whisper-thin sheets of beef and glazed in a sweet and savory sauce. As the sauce filters through the meat, it picks up loads of flavor before percolating into the rice underneath. For the rice, I mixed freshly cooked hot rice with some ground sesame seeds and chopped shiso before shaping them into cylinders. These get wrapped in beef sliced into 1mm thick sheets for sukiyaki. Then you pan-fry them until they’re browned on all sides before glazing them in a sauce that’s equal parts soy sauce, sake, and sugar. They don’t require a recipe, but if you want more specifics, you can watch this [video](

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