Questionnaire for **Eikaiwa teachers only**

Hello fellow eikaiwa teachers! I’m a University of Nottingham Applied Linguistics MA student. If you are an eikaiwa teacher currently employed and teaching in Japan I would love to hear from you! The questionnaire is for my dissertation and does not ask for any personal or identifying information. It is completely confidential and should take about 10-12 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions or concerns about this research please feel free to either send me a private message, comment on this post, or send me an email (provided in the questionnaire).

Feel free to send it along to coworkers or friends who may not see this post. Thank you very much for your time, I really appreciate it!


  1. Wow how much bias did you put in there? Did your prof even screen your questions?

    Try making the survey less leading-the-respondent to get negative answers.

  2. I came to comment about the bias as well, but I see that that has already been pointed out.

    As a researcher in academia, I’d also suggest you put an “N/A” option in the first battery of Agree/Disagree questions. For the points that were not applicable to me I would have put “Neither agree or disagree” but if you’re doing statistical analysis that is going to throw off your averages, whereas an N/A response could just be disregarded in the analysis.

  3. Based on your questions, I think that you missed the chance to gather other reasons for demotivation, including schedule, intrusiveness when it comes to personal life, such as how some Eikaiwa help you with your house and therefore know all your personal problems, quantity of different types of students, and teaching hours. I would also be interested in knowing on how you’re controlling for the stress of living in a foreign country and lack of language ability.

  4. How are universities giving degrees to people who do their research through voluntary surveys on reddit? Do they not have any math or statistics professors there?

  5. The comments completely exemplify the gatekeeping and disgusting xenophobic attitudes of those holier-than-thou asshats who managed to reside in Japan after being a dancing monkey for 3 years of their life. Absolutely gross.

  6. I agree with some.of the users. You need to intersperse some positively worded questions in as to not appear biased and lead to more negative answers. You’d then reverse code the positively worded questions.

    I’d suggest you read a little more about questionnaire making and then put that into your Limitations. I suggest getting a copy of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics by Dornyei. Chapter 5 would be a great place to start in my opinion.

  7. There’s a mistake:
    you heard someone make sexist remarks (e.g., suggesting that women are too emotional to be scientists or to assume leadership roles, or men are too disorganised to do secretarial work)?





     Never <<<

    You may also have forgotten to add, or deliberately left out “entrusted contractor” to the employment methods.

  8. Finished!

    I just wanted to say that many of the questions seemed like they were asked twice. You might want to fix that so that the results will better reflect the answers. For example, many answers might say “strongly disagree” implying they’re not happy, but actually it’s the same question being asked twice so naturally there would be more “strongly disagree” answers. Not all “strongly disagree” answers were made to sound negative, but most were.

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