How do everyone deal with unfamiliar Kanjis and words?

Hi everyone, I am studying Japanese aimed for N4 test right now (passed N5 test around last year) and trying to expand my Kanjis, so I want to ask that

\- Are there any tricks for easier remembering both Kun’yomi and On’yomi of Kanjis?

\- How did you deal with unfamiliar Kanjis and words while reading articles or books? Some books do not have Furigana, which become a lot harder to understand or search about them.

Thank you very much for kind responds!

  1. I use Kanji Study app for everything related to Kanji.
    I only study relevant readings of the Kanji. I remember the readings by remembering one frequent example of the said reading. More frequency means more revision.
    For unfamiliar Kanjis, I just look them up on the app. If you have an android phone, then check out Kanji study app. It’s a boon for Japanese learners.

  2. Learn Japanese! Kanji Study. It’s an app and the best purchase I made for my Japanese journey. I was stuck on N5 after like 6 months of learning, mostly because I could only write like 50 kanji, read like 150, and after those 150 it was getting really difficult to tell them apart with no context of what I was reading, and that app is making me smurf now. I’m halfway through N4 now. I’ve been consistently studying Japanese every day for almost a year now and using that app only since September, it’s too good.

    Eta: sometimes I study 10 mins sometimes I study 2 hours, but I try to do something everyday. And I watch anime and listen to Japanese music so in a way that helps as well.

    Edit: typos

  3. If it’s a 2 kanji long word i try to find a word that has the unknown kanji and a kanji i already know so that would make memorizing it much easier in anki, and if it’s a one kanji long word, then i just try to memorize it with anki

  4. If I’m reading something on paper, I use handwriting input keyboard on my phone (手書き) to input the kanji into a dictionary app. Some dictionaries also can look kanji up by [SKIP]( or by selecting the parts of the kanji.

    If what I’m reading is like on a website, I use the yomichan browser extension to look the word up.

  5. The plural of kanji is just ‘kanji’ – there are rare examples of it being ‘kanjis’ but the most commonly accepted usage is without the ‘s’.

  6. Honestly I’d look it up, see what the kanji is in different words and then forget it. Since if it pops up again, that means it’s important

  7. Wells to answer the question

    1. I memorize words that use the kanji

    2. I use either jisho or Google translator to look up unknown kanji

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